25 Days of Fitmas Challenge
Sarah Boltz Sarah Boltz

25 Days of Fitmas Challenge

In all of the holiday hustle and bustle, it’s hard to stay on top of your nutrition and fitness goals. Treat yourself to this free challenge! Every day, you’ll have a quick workout, health component, and/or mindful element.

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Surf Training Tips
Sarah Boltz Sarah Boltz

Surf Training Tips

The swell is here in SoFlo (well, the hurricanes were) so let’s talk about how your fitness game can increase your wave count! These are 5 well-rounded tips to help you become a fitter surfer.

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Catch the Wave of Meal Prep: Surfing Through Your Week with Easy Solutions
Sarah Boltz Sarah Boltz

Catch the Wave of Meal Prep: Surfing Through Your Week with Easy Solutions

Ah, the thrill of a new week! There’s nothing like riding the wave of good vibes and endless possibilities. But just as a surfer needs to be prepared for the perfect set, we all need to fuel up for the week ahead. That’s where meal prep comes in— let’s discuss a few different ways to tackle it!

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Surfing and Nutrition: Rely on Your Tribe
Sarah Boltz Sarah Boltz

Surfing and Nutrition: Rely on Your Tribe

Suring can be super intimidating. There’s always a lot going on in the ocean, sometimes we have bad wipe outs and other times, we just ened someone to cheer us on in the line up. This is the support I provide for my nutrition clients.

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Surfing and Nutrition: Conditions Aren’t Always Ideal
Sarah Boltz Sarah Boltz

Surfing and Nutrition: Conditions Aren’t Always Ideal

Maybe you’ve seen surfers looking at the waves for a long time before paddling out. They’re looking at the conditions and choosing the best place to paddle out, if they go out at all. Sometimes the conditions aren’t conducive to surfing like the waves are flat, disorganized, and unridable. Much like the surfers strategize how to make the best of the conditions, we need to make the best of our life conditions when it comes to nutrition.

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