Built to Compete: My Pre-Event Nutrition

Hi there! It’s no secret that I’m SUPER into CrossFit and competing in CrossFit. I have a weekend-long competition, so I thought I would share what I’m doing with my nutrition to prepare!

Leading up to competing, I taper down my workout volume a bit. So instead of spending 3-4 hours in the gym, I might spend 90 minutes-2 hours. I’m still doing metcons (metabolic conditioning, AKA cardio, for those who aren’t drinking the CrossFit Koolaid,) but the duration may be shorter with increased intensity to prime my engine for game day. The workouts may be longer and more relaxed to work on sustainable pacing. We tend to keep the lifts on the lighter side, no more than 80% to reduce the risk of injury and the chance of overtaxing my CNS (central nervous system). Now, as we do that my nutrition does not change. I’m not cutting macros; I’m not adding macros; I’m simply just reducing my exercise.

Here’s what that does:

  • Allows me to store glycogen (unused carbohydrates) for game day without putting on extra fat.

  • Enables me to recover from the workouts so that I’m not competing while feeling depleted.

  • Helps to keep my hormones in check with the stressful event coming up.

  • Essentially adds in more calories automatically because I’m temporarily reducing my exercise. That reduction decreases my caloric output, which means that I’ll store any carbs and fats that I don’t use right away. When I compete, I’ll use that up plus I’ll be fueling my body for performance with PLENTY of carbs. After the weekend, I’ll go back to my normal macro numbers and my body will return to homeostasis after a few days.

I hear some coaches encouraging athletes to eat more and some people need that reminder. Remember, nutrition is not a one-size-fits-all. I coach my clients to do what I do because I find that it helps the athlete be prepared without altering body composition too much. The last thing that we want is for you to feel sluggish and uncomfortable on game day!

I’ll write a post about my competition day fuel after I compete. If you’re a competitive athlete looking for an edge with nutrition, schedule an appointment to set up your consultation! I’d love to help you reach your goals so that you can perform to your best abilities.


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