Supplements for Muscle Growth

We’ve already talked about how to put on lean muscle but now I want to talk about supplements. There are a lot on the market and not all supplements are reputable. There are no quick fixes, if you’re not hitting all of your macros, you won’t see many gains.

Now, if you are hitting all of your macros consistently, these three supplements can really help to improve your progress.

Whey Protein Powder: digests quickly which allows it to be shuttled to the muscles for fast repair after a workout. 1 scoop post-workout with 16-20oz of liquid and carbs is going to be most beneficial. I make tons of smoothies using whey protein, including my current favorite, the not yo’ mama’s PSL.

Creatine: Tells our body to make more muscle-building proteins and provides energy to our cells. Creatine has also been shown to improve muscle size as well as strength and power. About 5-10g per day after your workout is good for most people. Fun fact, creatine has also been shown to improve cognitive abilities as well as to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

BCAAs: Branched-Chain Amino Acids. They are essential for the human body and have been shown to build muscle protein and produce energy. They have also been linked to reduced fatigue after a workout. BCAAs are best taken before or after a workout. there is no specific amount shown to be beneficial, so please consult a doctor before adding any supplement.


Hydration and Muscle Growth


3 Tips for Putting On Lean Muscle