High-Protein French Toast
Your weekend brunch plans just got healthier. Say hello to your high-protein French toast recipe!
Sustainable Nutrition: Reducing Packaging
Oh man, packaging can be super convenient and simultaneously harmful. The waste adds up more quickly than you think. I struggle with this one a lot, especially when it comes to protein bars. So I’m gonna share a couple of ways that I’ve worked on reducing my single-use plastic and recipes that you can use to help you on your sustainable nutrition journey too!
Sustainable Nutrition: Shopping In Season
To become more sustainable as a person and business owner, I’m committing to eating in-season produce in 2024. Not only is it good for the environment, but it’s also amazing for your body!
From Starter to Slice: Embrace National Sourdough Bread Day
There’s a lot to love about sourdough bread. Let’s celebrate National Sourdough Bread Day by talking about a few of those reasons and learning how to get started with your own sourdough starter!
Two Day Meal-Prep
Meal prep made easy. Goodbye to hours of being in the kitchen and hello to an efficient schedule!