Balance Board Workout
Take your surf workouts to the next level with a balance board! This is a great tool to practice your balance for the waves and to keep you in surf shape during a flat season
Chocolate Cherry Acai Bowl
I love me an acai bowl any day of the week but especially after a good workout or surf session! This bowl is packed with body-loving goodness!
Healthy 4th of July Recipes
Stay star-spangled healthy while you celebrate the 4th of July! They’re packed with protein, complex carbs, and heathy fats to keep you full and energized for all of the festivities.
Plastic Free July!
In our fast-paced, convenience-driven world, plastic has become an omnipresent part of our daily lives. From water bottles to food packaging, it's hard to imagine a day without encountering some form of plastic.
Staying Stoked on Nutrition While on Vacation
Last week we talked about staying active on vacation and now we’re going to talk about staying stoked about nutrition while you’re on vacation!