What IS a Macro Anyway?
Glad you asked! Macronutrients (AKA macros) are the three main categories of nutrients: protein, carbohydrates (carbs), and fats. We need all three to have balanced energy and a healthy body. Today we’re going to talk a little bit about what each one is and what it does for our bodies.
Protein: This is the builder nutrient. It helps us repair and rebuild cells after a workout or life in general. Protein also helps to keep you fuller longer because it takes a while to break down in our digestive system. The average, sedentary adult needs about 0.8g/KG of body mass. Meaning a 150 LB adult would need about 55g of protein per day at a minimum.
Sources of protein: lean chicken breast, egg whites, protein powder, lean cuts of beef and pork, turkey breast, and tofu.
Carbohydrates: Our bodies use carbs for quick energy so we need to have some ready to go, especially if you’re an active person! Carbs are used immediately or stored in the liver as an energy reserve. If we get TOO many carbs, we’ll store them as fat because the body can’t use them immediately and its reserves are full. Everyone responds a little differently to carbs so I like to have people have 1-2 cupped handfuls of carbs at each meal.
Sources of carbs: starchy vegetables, fruits, especially apples, bananas, mangoes, and pears will be higher in carbohydrates. Fruits such as watermelon, berries, and oranges will be lower in carbs. Pasta, bread, rice, cereal, and oats are also good sources of carbs.
Fats: The body’s second favorite source of fuel. It takes longer to break down fats in digestion so they can help us stay fuller longer. Fats also support hormone production and nutrient storage. Since it has twice the caloric density of carbs and protein (9 cals/g as opposed to 4 cals/gram for protein and carbs), we want moderate fat levels. About 1 thumb-sized serving per meal.
Sources of fats: avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, seeds, olives, fatty fish like salmon (doubles as a source of protein!), and eggs (again, protein and fats).
There you have it! For more specific guidance, reach out to me via email to get started on your nutrition journey!